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Personal Growth Group Coaching Mastermind

February 10 from 9:30-11:00 am at Stage I Dance Academy in Greenwood!


Join us for our 2nd Annual Galentine's Event, Gals & Gratitude! Come network, connect,and build friendships! We'll have a light breakfast, craft, and networking opportunities. Invite a friend, and let's have a great time!


Cost is $15, and tickets may be purchased by following this link: 


Top Floor Women Brought to You By Everyday Leaders Events
Indy's Premier Southside Women's Networking Event


You're Invited to Join Us on the
First Wednesday of Every Month
8 am-9:30 am

WHERE:  Stage 1 Dance Academy,
740 Fry Road, Greenwood, IN 46142

Ready to Grow Your Business in a safe environment with other Growth-Minded Leaders?
USE  CODE PG to access this
5 Week VIP Mastermind for only $99.00 

Join us for only

$99.00 NOW 


March 5, 2025
Everyday Leaders Networking 

Guest Speaker


Rachel Bush

Panda Rose Consulting Studios, Inc 


Chief Digital Strategist 


​We work with companies and individuals to help them use technology to further improve their businesses. We work to provide solutions tailored to the needs of our clients. We can help with digital marketing solutions, custom websites + applications development, data systems and management, as well as CRM + MRP implementation and training.

Join us at 

STAGE1 Dance Academy
740 Fry Rd 
Greenwood, IN 46142
Suite D

March 5, 2025


Title: AI and Marketing 


Description: Understand how to use AI for your marketing strategies.

Register for Top Floor Women

Want to Share Your Business during our event?  

Be A Coffee Sponsor?

What's required? Bring ONE one-pound bag of ground coffee,

and we will brew it for the event! Coffee Sponsors are

given 5 minutes

at the beginning of the official meeting kick-off to

share their business services and provided a space at the registration table to

meet and greet our attendees.


Register to be a Coffee Sponsor at an upcoming event.

There is only ONE Coffee Sponsor; please look at the bottom of this page to see

all of our speakers and upcoming coffee sponsors.


Coffee Sponsor

Heather Means​​

with Griswold Home Care


Griswold Home Care provides non-medical care in the home and other facilities. Our goal is to enable our clients to Live Where They Love! We work closely with hospice and skilled agencies to coordinate care for our clients. We offer hourly and live-in caregivers. 


Griswold Home Care

812-552-4792 cell

877-537-6321 fax 

Coffee Sponsor

Register to be a speaker for Everyday Leaders Networking Events

Each speaker is professionally recorded by JoeAkeStudios, and listed on our YOUTUBE Channel. 

Media questions? Contact our production team: 

We'd love to have you share your expertise with us

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Thanks for submitting!

Did you miss our LIVE in-person event?  No worries, We got ya; check out all of our speakers' presentations right here: 

Subscribe to our Everyday Leaders Networking Event  Speakers on YouTube:  Provided by JoeAkeStudios Productions

Samantha Tishner,  Speaker Jan 2024


Thank you for helping to build
a great community for women leaders
to learn and grow together

Thank you to Lisa Stokes with Aspire Johnson County for all your help with registration/check-in. If you are interested in learning more about Aspire Johnson County our county chamber, Click HERE to be connected to Lisa!




Everyday Leaders Networking 
Program Sponsors

Katie Stahlhut.jpg
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Purpose and Mission

Our Purpose

Our purpose is to build community.


Our Mission

Our mission is to partner with families to cultivate an environment for sound character development by loving, encouraging and empowering.


Register for one of our classes today!


Stage1Dance Academy

740 Fry Road, Suite D

Greenwood, IN 46142


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Many individuals, entrepreneurs, and business leaders spend quality time discovering and developing specific strategies to make a bigger impact. 


Working with Melahni Ake and Everyday Leaders Leadership Coaching and Consulting you will have access to predictable personal and professional development formulas to gain immediate clarity, stand out, and make a bigger impact in your life and your business.


If your goals include improving communication, building better teams, and experiencing more joy in your work and life then Everyday Leaders can help you identify gaps and execute growth plans.


Book Melahni for KeyNotes on Leadership,Team Training ProgramsWorkshops and Retreats, at




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Joe Ake has over 35 years of professional audio and video production, including freelance work in various industries, emphasizing commercial clients.

When you are ready to partner with a highly dedicated, organized, and flexible creative broadcasting professional Joe Ake Studios is the right choice and will provide a wide range of photo cinematic broadcast sectors while overseeing all creative aspects from; pre-production, production, and post-production media services. 

Joe Ake Studios provides all technology and media support for our speakers and guests. 


Joe Ake Studios extends special TOP FLOOR WOMEN discounts for media services including updating your professional headshots,


Contact Joe at



435 E Main Street, Suite 145

Greenwood, IN 46143


The History  


Top Floor Women began in 2017 when Mindi Epstein had the vision to unite women on the south side of Indianapolis to network and develop personally and professionally.  Since Mindi was an established business owner in Franklin, IN, she collaborated with the owners of "The Elevator" on the town square in Franklin, IN, on their TOP FLOOR.  Top Floor Women became a popular monthly networking event that brings women from central Indiana together to meet, share, and connect.  Mindi's vision is carried on: 


​In 2021 Melahni Ake, founder and president of Everyday Leaders, is continuing the momentum to serve women in our community. We welcome you to join us on the first Wednesday of every month to learn, grow, and make meaningful connections that can impact your life.


What's changed? We now record and share all of our speakers on our YOUTUBE channel. Thanks to JoeAkeStudios for supporting and capturing all of our events!


If you are ready to develop yourself personally and professionally, we offer monthly Masterminds on personal growth and leadership. We would love to have you join us!  


Top Floor Women - Everyday Leaders Women's Networking Group Jan 2025

TOP FLOOR WOMEN-Everyday Leaders Women's Networking Group

Indy's Southside Premier Women's Networking Group 
We meet on the first Wednesday of every month.

8:00 am-8:30 am Networking (Bring your Business Cards)

8:30 am-9:25 am Professional Development Speaker


2025 Meetings:



SAVE the DATE  â€‹


March 5, 2025, Rachel Bush, Panda Rose Consulting, Inc. AI and Marketing, What you need to know to be successful in your business.

Coffee Sponsor: 





 February 5, 2025 Jessica Evans Founder of How to be a friend. 317-625-8495

Coffee Sponsor Heather Means: Griswold Home Care â€‹812-552-4792 cell​


January 8, 2025, Speaker: Brandi Greenleaf-Barnes: Raymond James: Financial Wealth for Women. Contact Brandi at

Coffee Sponsor Erica Weddle Simply Fitness Yoga


December 5th, 2024, Melahni Ake, Founder Everyday Leaders, How to find your mentor and live your best life.  Find out more about Everyday Leaders at  317-556-7781. Reach out to Melahni for your personal growth plan today.  AVON Dawn Tellinghuisen is our coffee sponsor! 


November 6, 2024: Speaker: Amanda Sparks:

Coffee Sponsor:  Dawn Tellinghuisen The Avon Company: SHOP NOW for Your Holiday Gifts and Support Dance Every Journey and Making Everyday Leaders Inc.  Your Top Floor Women Sponsors:


October 2, 2024: Big Brothers Big Sisters of Indianapolis:  Megan Iazeolla, Director of Volunteer and Community Engagement  

Coffee Sponsor Megan Yeagy, Owner, Grafton Peeks Greenwood,


September 4, 2024: Stacia Jones and Stefany Dolan, becauseOne, How to build better communities one non-profit at a time,

Coffee Sponsor:  Cheryl Smith,


August 7, 2024: Valarie Brunning:  Brunning Law Office:  Estate and Small Business Planning

Coffee Sponsor:  Debbie Beck


July 3, 2024: Speaker: Paula Oliveria-Lamey, RESET Yourself with Paula. RESET Yourself to Your HEALTH

Coffee Sponsor: Pat King  King4wellness.  SHAKLEE 


June 5, 2024: Lisa Devon,  Motivational Poet, and Humorist

Coffee Sponsor. Michele Tyring:  Optavia Health Coach.


May 2024: Speaker: Tricia Thomas, EZdecluttersolutions

Coffee Sponsor:  Valarie Brunning: Brunning Law Office,


April 3, 2024: Speaker, TOYINDA SMITH, Champion Athlete, Master Coach, and TEDx Speaker

The Power of Coaching Yourself Breaking Through Barriers to Build Buoyancy that Facilitates Meaningful Progress in Life> She is bringing her newest BOOK, "The Handbook to Coach Yourself," and will be signing them for you at this event!

Coffee Sponsor: Sabrina Hickey,  PAX-Program of Academic Exchange 


March 6, 2024: Speaker, Erika Dale, Building Your Social Media Presence,

Coffee Sponsor: Amanda Mitchell 


February  12th Top Floor Women Collaborate for First Annual Galentine's Event: hosted at Stage1DanceAcademy benefitting Dance Every Journey: 


February 7, 2024: Speaker Jill Howell, Dancing in the Mess

Coffee Sponsor Cindy Gardner,  High Tower Graphics


January 3, 2024, Speaker Samantha Tishner,  Heal First, Love Second,

Coffee Sponsor, Michele Tyring-Optiva Health Coach, Treats Jill Howell- 


December 6th:  Paula Hornback FDNP, RRT. IFBB PRO 

Coffee Sponsor Mary Ellen Brown


November 1st:  Angie Redmon, striveHR, and Julie Blair Pitts, Insperity, Topic: Culture Impact.

Coffee Sponsor Kristine Shaub, Accupay, Inc. Media Sponsor JoeAkeStudios


October 4th:  Shannon Tankersly, Cyber Security, What every business owner must know to protect their assets. @JPtheGeek 156 South Park Blvd, Greenwood, IN 46143. Coffee Sponsor Amanda Sparks,  Hope Purdue Halloween Snacks and Tupperware: Media sponsor JoeAkeStudios


September 6th: Heather Lowey, How to Maximize Your Personal Energy @ JP the Geek Studios 156 South Park Blvd, Greenwood, IN 46143.  Coffee Sponsor: Angie Redmon striveHR  Media sponsor JoeAkeStudios


August 2nd:  Jodi Bondy, " Stuck in the middle with ..............." NEW LOCATION: JP the GEEK 156 S Park Blvd, Greenwood, IN 46143

Here's a link to Jodi's Legacy Forever Program: Coffee and Media sponsor JoeAkeStudios


July 5th:   Melahni Ake, Revolutionizing Your LinkedIn Game, Cutting Edge Strategies for 2023,  -Aspire Johnson County Greenwood Office. Join our LINKEDIN 30-day challenge Group HERE:

Coffee and Media Sponsor JoeAkeStudios


June 7th: Alicia Tisdale: Building and Strengthening Relationships:

Aspire Johnson County Greenwood Office, Joe Ake Studios Coffee Sponsor 


May 3rd:  Jason Barnaby, Firestarters Inc, Fanning Your Flame to Ignite Your Hope and Torch Fear: 

Coffee Sponsor Julie Pitts, Insperity, Joe Ake Studios Media Sponsor 


April 5th:  Speaker Megan Bennett, Socially Acceptable: Strategies for Social Media and The Social Landscape - Why and How to Learn to Love Creating Content Media sponsor JoeAkeStudios


March 1st: Speaker Melinda Chapman with Values Driven Realty: 

How Money Works Media sponsor JoeAkeStudios


February 1st:  Bri Ikerd,  Money Mechanics: Strategies to Jump-Start Your Financial Future  Media sponsor JoeAkeStudios


January 4th:  Speaker Carla Taylor, Make Dreams Happen, Dreammakers. Media sponsor JoeAkeStudios


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Everyday Leaders Monthly Networking


STAGE1Dance Academy

740 Fry Road Suite D

Greenwood, IN 46142

Upcoming Event with Beloved Warriors


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